Hi there!-2.png

My passion (or those that know me may refer to it as a slight obsession) is improving the way we live by organising, decluttering and enhancing the way something looks and feels.

I thoroughly enjoy the sense of calm and satisfaction it gives and if I can help to make someone feel more positive by doing something I love, then why not? 

It was during my training as a Montessori teacher that I developed a better understanding and appreciation for a sense of order and simplicity. It became very clear that for children to make sense of their world, they need structure. For everything to have a place and a purpose. What I found really interesting is how even as adults, we rely on these fundamentals in our day to day lives and in our home. 

Whilst working as a nanny over the last 10 years, I’ve seen first hand how creating better spaces has the ability to make life that bit easier and more enjoyable. 

From organising a nursery for a new arrival, to design layouts in a playroom and categorising toys, it’s shown me how small changes can have big impacts. All it takes is a beginning.

When I was asked to take on larger projects by family and friends, I realised why not do this on more of a regular basis?

That’s when ‘A Happy Space’ came to life!